Language/OS - Multiplatform Resource Library
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(herald character (env tsys))
;;; Copyright (c) 1985 Yale University
;;; Authors: N Adams, R Kelsey, D Kranz, J Philbin, J Rees.
;;; This material was developed by the T Project at the Yale University Computer
;;; Science Department. Permission to copy this software, to redistribute it,
;;; and to use it for any purpose is granted, subject to the following restric-
;;; tions and understandings.
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;;; 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to return
;;; to the T Project at Yale any improvements or extensions that they make,
;;; so that these may be included in future releases; and (b) to inform
;;; the T Project of noteworthy uses of this software.
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;;;; Character-related routines
;++ What should be integrated?
;;; Very gross names. Think of better ones. Figure out what to
;;; do about integrability. These shouldn't be integrable if
;;; CHAR-UPCASE isn't integrable.
;;; released procedures
;;; char<,char=,char>,charN=,char<=,char>= are primops
(lset *escape-char* #\backslash)
(lset *control-char-delimiter* #\^)
(lset *dispatch-char* #\#)
(define-integrable (lowercase? c)
(and (char>= c #\a) (char<= c #\z)))
(define-integrable (uppercase? c)
(and (char>= c #\A) (char<= c #\Z)))
(define-integrable (%char-upcase c)
(if (lowercase? c)
(ascii->char (fx- (char->ascii c) #o40))
(define (char-upcase c)
(%char-upcase (enforce char? c)))
(define-integrable (%char-downcase c)
(if (uppercase? c)
(ascii->char (fx+ (char->ascii c) #o40))
(define (char-downcase c)
(%char-downcase (enforce char? c)))
(define-integrable (%char-invert-case c)
(cond ((uppercase? c)
(ascii->char (fx+ (char->ascii c) #o40)))
((lowercase? c)
(ascii->char (fx- (char->ascii c) #o40)))
(define (char-invert-case c)
(%char-invert-case (enforce char? c)))
;;; case insensitive versions of character relations
(define (char=ic c1 c2)
(char= (char-upcase c1) (char-upcase c2)))
(define (char<ic c1 c2)
(char< (char-upcase c1) (char-upcase c2)))
(define (char>ic c1 c2)
(char> (char-upcase c1) (char-upcase c2)))
(define (charn=ic c1 c2)
(charn= (char-upcase c1) (char-upcase c2)))
(define (char>=ic c1 c2)
(char>= (char-upcase c1) (char-upcase c2)))
(define (char<=ic c1 c2)
(char<= (char-upcase c1) (char-upcase c2)))
;;; character classes, these are all predicates
(define-integrable (%alphabetic? c)
(or (lowercase? c) (uppercase? c)))
(define (alphabetic? c)
(%alphabetic? (enforce char? c)))
(define-integrable (%graphic? c)
(and (char>= c #\space) (char< c #\rubout)))
(define (graphic? c)
(%graphic? (enforce char? c)))
(define-integrable (%control? c)
(or (char< c #\space) (char= c #\rubout)))
(define (control? c)
(%control? (enforce char? c)))
(define-integrable (%numeric? c radix)
(true? (%digit c radix)))
(define (numeric? c radix)
(%numeric? c radix))
(define-integrable (%alphanumeric? c)
(or (%alphabetic? c) (%digit? c 10)))
(define (alphanumeric? c)
(%alphanumeric? (enforce char? c)))
(define (whitespace? c)
;++ Make this should be using a breakmask?
(or (char= #\space c)
(char= #\newline c)
(char= #\return c)
(char= #\tab c)
(char= #\form c)
(char= #\linefeed c)))
;;; random utilities
(define-integrable (%controlify c)
(ascii->char (fixnum-logand (char->ascii c) #o37)))
(define (controlify c)
(%controlify (enforce char? c)))
(define-integrable (%uncontrolify c)
(ascii->char (fx+ (char->ascii c) #o100)))
(define (uncontrolify c)
(%uncontrolify (enforce char? c)))
(define-integrable (acceptable-radix? radix)
(and (fixnum? radix) (fx> radix 0) (fx<= radix 36)))
(define (digit c radix)
(%digit (enforce char? c)
(enforce acceptable-radix? radix)))
;++ wouldn't digit be fast enough?
(define (%digit c radix) ; for entry from reader.
(cond ((fx<= radix 10)
(cond ((and (char< c (ascii->char (fx+ (char->ascii #\0)
(char>= c #\0))
(fx- (char->ascii c) (char->ascii #\0)))
(else nil)))
((and (char<= c #\9)
(char>= c #\0))
(fx- (char->ascii c) (char->ascii #\0)))
(let ((cc (%char-upcase c)))
(cond ((and (char>= cc #\A)
(char< cc (ascii->char (fx+ (char->ascii #\A)
(fx- radix 10)))))
(fx+ 10 (fx- (char->ascii cc) (char->ascii #\A))))
(else nil))))))
(define %digit? %digit)
(define (digit? c radix) (true? (digit c radix)))
(define (char->digit c radix)
(or (digit c radix)
(char->digit (error "argument isn't a digit in given radix.~% ~s"
`(char->digit ,c ,radix))
(define %char->digit %digit)
;;; Common Lisp calls this DIGIT-CHAR.
(define (digit->char n radix)
(let ((n (enforce nonnegative-fixnum? n))
(radix (enforce acceptable-radix? radix)))
(cond ((fx> n radix)
(error "argument doesn't correspond to a digit.~% ~s"
`(digit->char ,n ,radix)))
((fx< n 10)
(ascii->char (fx+ (char->ascii #\0) n)))
(ascii->char (fx+ (char->ascii #\A) (fx- n 10)))))))
;;; This looks circular. It is.
(define *symbolic-character-table*
;; System dependent options
(newline . #\newline)
;; Distinguished ASCII codes on any system
(null . #\null)
(bell . #\bell)
(backspace . #\backspace)
(tab . #\tab)
(linefeed . #\linefeed)
(page . #\form)
(form . #\form)
(formfeed . #\form)
(return . #\return)
(escape . #\alt)
(altmode . #\alt)
(alt . #\alt)
(space . #\space)
(rubout . #\rubout)
(left-paren . #\()
(right-paren . #\))
(star . #\*)
(plus-sign . #\+)
(minus-sign . #\-)
(left-bracket . #\[)
(right-bracket . #\])
(left-brace . #\{)
(right-brace . #\})
(left-angle . #\<)
(right-angle . #\>)
(slash . #\/)
(backslash . #\\)
(quote . #\')
(backquote . #\`)
(doublequote . #\")
(comma . #\,)
(dot . #\.)
(semicolon . #\;)
(define (char-name ch)
(car (rassq ch *symbolic-character-table*)))
(define (name-char symbol)
(cdr (assq symbol *symbolic-character-table*)))
;;; The character handler
(define-handler char
(object nil
((hash self) (char->ascii self))
((display obj port) (write-char port obj))
((print obj port)
(cond ((char= obj #\space)
(write-string port "#\\space"))
((graphic? obj)
(write-string port "#\\")
(write-char port obj))
((char-name obj)
=> (lambda (name) (format port "#\\~s" name)))
((control? obj)
(write-string port "#^")
(write-char port (uncontrolify obj)))
(format port "#[Ascii~_~d]" (char->ascii obj)))))
((crawl-exhibit ch)
(let ((n (char->ascii ch)))
(format (terminal-output) " ascii: decimal ~d, hex ~x, octal ~o~%"
n n n)))))